I read a lot. I review 98% of what I read. I post my stuff on my blog. Oh... in between I try to live life.
After Destroy Me, which was Warner’s novella, we get what I don’t know if declared as such, but Adam’s novella.
I’m team Adam, not sure if you know, or care, or whatever, but I am. And Warner, while has my sympathies for some of his “issues” with his father or whatnot, I generally dislike him and didn’t quite “fall” into the trap that is Destroy Me. I do, however, appreciate Mafi’s success in making him a fantastic villain.
Oh Adam. That boy has my heart. In this novella Adam is so conflicted and torn and tormented and sweet.
Fracture Me spans about a day, give or take a couple of hours, where Adam and Juliette are worried and fretting over Kenji *swoon* (love him) who’s supposedly been zapped by Juliette (if you remember in Unravel Me and if you don’t get on with rereading it. There is also the discovery that Warner left Omega Point and back to working with his father (or so implied/assumed/suspected). On the day where searches are planned after some of the other Omega members, Adam, Juliette and Kenji, who’s made quite a recovery, though not 100% yet, leave Omega Point. They encounter some problem and Juliette is taken.
Adam is going through a lot in this very short companion to the series. He is, as mentioned before hurt, pining and worried over Juliette, conflicted with thoughts about his brother and father, very concerned and worried over James and his safety, and naturally, Kenji.
The novella ends with what I can’t consider a cliffhanger, but is one for all intents and purposes. It’s just that we knew that’s the situation when Unravel Me ended. Now I mostly need Ignite Me so I can know Adam and Juliette together *pre-glares at Tahereh for the off chance that’s not going to be the case*
I love this series and loved this novella, as much as it broke my heart, and am giving it 5 stars. All 5 go to Adam. He needs all the encouragement and help and love he can get.
This review and others can be found on The Book Hammock!